Italienische Schuhindustrie

Italien gilt als das wichtigste Land für Mode. Obviously Italian clothing Fashion has strong position on the worldwide fashion as well as shoes fashion …As a leader of shoe manufacturer in Europe, Italien ist auch der drittgrößte Schuhexporteur der Welt. The sector has more than 110.000 employees and accounts more than 7.500 companies. Italian Footwear Industry is constantly innovating and provides advanced quality products for a demanding market where the competition of East Asian market is very present. So where does this success come from ?
More than the Italian Know How and creative talent in the Einlegesohle aus Vliesstoff Herstellung, the success of this sector also is explained by the Italian entrepreneurship. Have you ever heard about manufacturing district, Italian model of this economic success ? Italy organized its economic landscape by geographic concentrations of companies in different manufacturing areas, which orientated the success of the footwear industry and gave a leading position on the international market.
The most important districts are located in the Lombardy, Veneto, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Campania and Puglia regions where sub-suppliers of raw materials; tanneries; manufacturers of components, accessories and shoe making machinery settle down their activities.
Innovation and the Made in Italy have are definitely the main strategic marketing points for the footwear industry .