Vietnam mengharapkan ekspor kulit dan sepatu tumbuh 10% tahun ini

Vietnam mengharapkan ekspor kulit dan sepatu tumbuh 10 persen tahun ini menjadi $18 milyar, menurut asosiasi industri sepatu dan tas kulit Vietnam. Dengan banyak peluang untuk membantu industri kulit Vietnam memperluas ekspor, China is reducing its investment in footwear and apparel labor-intensive industries, focusing on the high-tech sector.


Vietnam’s eu free trade agreement is expected to come into force in 2018, meaning Vietnamese footwear producers will have more opportunities to export to the European Union.


Vietnam leather shoe industry association, said to attain his goal in leather industry exports this year, Vietnam need to promote technology innovation ability, into buying more sophisticated equipment, update existing production lines, increase production and improve product quality.


Leather industry export raised $16.2 billion in revenue last year, 8.8% higher than that of 2015, among them, the footwear exports to $13 milyar, the rest for the leather products export, bags and leather exports increased by 8.8% dan 8.8% masing-masing.


Last year there were also challenges to exports to the leather industry in Vietnam, such as a reduction in orders from the European Union and turmoil in asean countries. Since the import and export duties of the asean countriesfootwear and leather bags have been reduced to zero since 2016, market competition in the region has been intensified.


Alternatif kulit dan pengganti kulit dari kulit paten, Alternatif kulit dan pengganti kulit dari kulit paten, unggul tahan lama, Alternatif kulit dan pengganti kulit dari kulit paten!

Fitur WINIW Microfiber Patent Leather – Alternatif Kulit & Pengganti Kulit Paten:

1. Kinerja fisik dan kimia lebih baik daripada kulit asli dan efek permukaan dapat dicapai sesuai dengan kulit asli;

2. Resistensi air mata, ketahanan abrasi, kekuatan tarik dan sebagainya semuanya melampaui kulit asli, dan tahan dingin, bukti asam, penolak alkali, tidak memudar;

3. Ringan, lembut, breathability yang baik, Perasaan halus dan baik, dan rapi dan bebas dari aspek keausan;

4. Antibakteri, anti jamur, mothproof, tanpa zat berbahaya, sangat ramah lingkungan, adalah Produk Hijau di abad ke-21.

5. Mudah dipotong, tingkat pemanfaatan yang tinggi, mudah untuk dibersihkan, tidak ada bau.

6. Ramah lingkungan.

7. Hemat biaya.