2017 interTEKSTIL di Shanghai

Waktu pameran: Oktober 11-13, 2017

Lokasi: Pusat Konvensi Nasional Shanghai (333 jalan songze, distrik qingpu, Shanghai)

TEKSTIL Internasional China ,Ditemukan di 1995, konsep eksposisi dan positioning pasar didasarkan pada dua aspek.

Pertama, Industri garmen China telah mengembangkan permintaan akan kain baru dan kelas atas, as well as the requirements for further upgrading and upgrading of garment industry.The second is the booming of Chinese household textiles, especially the decorative textile market, and the broad prospects of the industry.

The exhibition categories of the fair are divided into three main categories: Pertama, clothing fabrics and accessories; Kedua, various kinds of interior decoration fabrics; Third, domestic textile.