ベトナムは皮革と靴の輸出が 10% 今年

ベトナムは皮革と靴の輸出が 10 今年のパーセント $18 十億, ベトナムの革靴とバッグ業界団体によると。ベトナムの革産業が輸出を拡大するのを助ける多くの機会があります。, China is reducing its investment in footwear and apparel labor-intensive industries, focusing on the high-tech sector.


Vietnam’s eu free trade agreement is expected to come into force in 2018, meaning Vietnamese footwear producers will have more opportunities to export to the European Union.


Vietnam leather shoe industry association, said to attain his goal in leather industry exports this year, Vietnam need to promote technology innovation ability, into buying more sophisticated equipment, update existing production lines, increase production and improve product quality.


Leather industry export raised $16.2 billion in revenue last year, 8.8% higher than that of 2015, among them, the footwear exports to $13 十億, the rest for the leather products export, bags and leather exports increased by 8.8% そして 8.8% それぞれ.


Last year there were also challenges to exports to the leather industry in Vietnam, such as a reduction in orders from the European Union and turmoil in asean countries. Since the import and export duties of the asean countriesfootwear and leather bags have been reduced to zero since 2016, market competition in the region has been intensified.


WINIWマイクロファイバーパテントレザーは肌触りが良い, 素晴らしい演技, 優れた耐久性, パテントレザーを完全に交換できます!

WINIWマイクロファイバーパテントレザーの特徴 – 代替レザー & パテントレザーの代用品:

1. 物理的および化学的性能は本物の革よりも優れており、表面効果は本物の革に沿って達成できます;

2. 引き裂き抵抗, 耐摩耗性, 引張強度などはすべて本物の革を超えています, そして耐寒性, 耐酸性, 耐アルカリ性, 退色しない;

3. 軽量, 柔らかい, 通気性が良い, 滑らかで良い感じ, 整理整頓されていて、摩耗面がない;

4. 抗菌, 防カビ, 防虫, 有害物質なし, 非常に環境的, 21世紀のグリーン製品です.

5. 切りやすい, 高い利用率, お手入れが簡単, 無臭.

6. 環境にやさしい.

7. 効率的なコスト.