Mittherbstfest 2023 in China gefeiert

Mittherbstfest 2023 in China gefeiert

Mid-Autumn Festival takes place every year on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month and focuses around the moon. Es feiert die Erntezeit und die Legende der Mondgöttin, Ändern. Having emerged in the Song dynasty (960-1279), it was as popular as New Year’s Day during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1636-1912) dynasties, before becoming one of the most important festivals in China. This year, it falls on Sept. 29.

Event held to celebrate upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival in Malaysia: Children wearing Hanfu, an ancient clothing traditionally used to be worn by ethnic-majority Han Chinese, participated in an event to celebrate the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival in some places.

Moon cake making in full swing in China: Workers made moon cakes at a workshop in every city.



WINIW Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering