Le Brésil s'engage à prolonger les mesures antidumping relatives aux chaussures

A high-profile figure in the Brazilian chaussure industry has repeated a claim from the end of 2012 que les fabricants et les importateurs de chaussures fabriquées en Chine utilisent la "triangulation" pour contourner les mesures antidumping mises en place par le Brésil depuis 2010.

Speaking at the start of the latest Couromoda exhibition in São Paulo, the president of Brazilian footwear industry association Abicalçados, Milton Cardoso, said a trade surplus of $5 billion that his member companies achieved in the recent past had fallen to $1 billion in 2012 because of the volume of cheap imports still coming into Brazil.

Also at Couromoda, the country’s minister for development, industry and external trade, Alessandro Teixeira, confirmed that the government will work with Abicalçados in 2013 to put anti-dumping measures in place for footwear imports from other countries, mentioning by name Vietnam and Indonesia.

Since 2010, companies seeking to bring Chinese-made shoes into Brazil have had to pay a tariff of $13.85 per pair.


More footwear news, please visite Winiw Shoe Materials website: https://www.shoe-materials.com, China manufacturer of shoe materials & footwear materials, cambrelle, cuir microfibre, planche de semelle intérieure, compteur de bouffées d'orteil, shoe fabrics, doublures de chaussures, etc.