Bahan Upper Sepatu Safety Microfiber Faux Leather Tahan Dingin

Bahan Upper Sepatu Safety Microfiber Faux Leather Tahan Dingin

Kulit imitasi mikrofiber tahan dingin adalah pilihan bahan yang cocok untuk bagian atas sepatu keselamatan. Dan ini adalah pilihan yang cerdas dan bertanggung jawab bagi para pekerja.

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Bahan Upper Sepatu Safety Microfiber Faux Leather Tahan Dingin


In the world of safety shoes, one important factor to consider is the material used for the upper. This is the part of the shoe that covers the foot, and different materials have different properties that affect the safety, daya tahan, and comfort of the shoe. One popular material for safety shoe uppers is microfiber faux leather, which is known for its cold resistance and durability.

Microfiber faux leather for safety shoes is a synthetic material that mimics the properties of real leather. It is made by weaving together microfibers, which are tiny strands of polyester or nylon that are finer than a human hair. These microfibers are then coated with a layer of polyurethane (PU) atau polivinil klorida (PVC), which gives the material a leather-like texture and appearance.

One advantage of microfiber faux leather is that it is highly resistant to cold temperatures. This makes it a good choice for workers who need to work in cold environments, such as refrigerated warehouses or outdoor construction sites in winter. Berbeda dengan kulit asli, which can stiffen and crack in cold weather, microfiber faux leather remains flexible and comfortable, providing good insulation for the feet.

Another benefit of microfiber faux leather is that it is more durable and water-resistant than real leather. It resists scratches, scuffs, dan lecet, dan dapat dengan mudah dibersihkan dengan kain lembab. It also does not absorb water like real leather, so it dries quickly and does not become heavy or soggy when wet.

Microfiber faux leather is also an eco-friendly alternative to real leather, as it does not require the use of animal hides or tanning chemicals. It is a sustainable and cruelty-free material that can be produced in a variety of colors and textures.

Keseluruhan, cold-resistant microfiber faux leather is a great choice of material for safety shoe uppers. It provides excellent protection, kenyamanan, dan gaya, and is a smart and responsible choice for workers and consumers who value safety, sustainability, and innovation.

Atribut utama

Bahan: 100% sintetis, bahan non-kulit yang ramah hewan.

Ketebalan: 2mm, 1.8mm, 1.6mm, 1.4mm, 1.2mm, 1.0mm, 0.8mm.

Lebar: 54”, 137cm.

Warna: Hitam, putih, cokelat, warna yang disesuaikan.

Jumlah Pesanan Minimum: 300 meter linier.

Waktu pimpin: 10-15 hari.

Kapasitas Produksi: 1,000,000 meter bulanan.

fitur:Ringan, bebas logam berat, sangat tahan lama, tahan dingin.

Aplikasi:Sepatu pengaman, alas kaki keselamatan, sepatu kerja, sepatu bot kerja, sepatu pelindung tenaga kerja, alas kaki kerja

Tempat asal: Fujian, Cina

Pengepakan: Standar ekspor
Pasar:Timur Tengah/Afrika/Asia/Amerika Selatan/Eropa/Amerika Utara

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