Bahan Atas PU Kulit Sintetis Serat Mikro Ramah Lingkungan Untuk Sepatu

Bahan Atas PU Kulit Sintetis Serat Mikro Ramah Lingkungan Untuk Sepatu

Tempat asalCina
Nama merkpara tahanan
Nomor modelMicrofiber Leather For shoes upper
Jumlah Pesanan Minimum500meter/ketebalan/warna
Detail Kemasan30 atau 50 meter/gulungan
Waktu Pengiriman10-15hari
Syarat pembayaranT/T, L/C, Serikat Barat, UangGram, D/P, H/A
Kemampuan Pasokan20000meter/hari

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Bahan Atas PU Kulit Sintetis Serat Mikro Ramah Lingkungan Untuk Sepatu


Eco-friendly microfiber synthetic leather is an excellent choice for shoe manufacturers who want to contribute to a greener environment while maintaining high-quality products. The material is soft and durable, making it perfect for shoes that require comfort and durability.

This synthetic leather is made from microfibers, which are much thinner than animal hide fibers. This means that less material is required to produce the same amount of leather, reducing waste and saving resources. Selain itu, no animal hides are used in the production process, making it a cruelty-free alternative to traditional leather.

Using eco-friendly microfiber synthetic leather also reduces the carbon footprint of shoe production. The manufacturing process emits less greenhouse gases and has less impact on the environment than traditional leather production methods.

Lebih-lebih lagi, PU upper material can be made in a wide range of colors, tekstur, and finishes, giving designers more creative options and the opportunity to create unique and fashionable footwear.

Kesimpulannya, eco-friendly microfiber synthetic leather is an excellent choice for shoe manufacturers who are committed to sustainability. Not only does it save resources, reduce waste, and minimize the environmental impact of production, it also provides a high-quality and versatile material for making comfortable and fashionable shoes.


Atribut utama

Nama Produk:Bahan Atas PU Kulit Sintetis Serat Mikro Ramah Lingkungan Untuk Sepatu
Bahan: Microfiber
Fitur: Tahan air, Elastis, Anti Jamur, Tahan Abrasi, Tahan noda, Menggeliat, Anti air, Tahan Kerut
Tempat asal: Fujian, Cina
Lebar: 1.4m
Bobot: 500g / m2
Ketebalan: 1.2mm,1.4mm
Nama merk:para tahanan
Warna: Semua warna tersedia
Pemakaian: sepatu bagian atas
Pengepakan: Standar ekspor
Pasar:Timur Tengah/Afrika/Asia/Amerika Selatan/Eropa/Amerika Utara

Gambar produk nyata


Fitur Produk

1. Ringan: Kulit superfiber lima kali lebih ringan dari kulit biasa, menjadikannya bahan yang ideal untuk sepatu. Artinya, Anda dapat memakainya dalam jangka waktu lama tanpa merasa terbebani.

2. Anti air: Sepatu yang terbuat dari kulit superfiber sangat tahan air, Artinya, kaki Anda akan tetap kering meski tiba-tiba terkena hujan deras.

3. Tahan lama: Kulit superfiber memiliki ketahanan yang tinggi terhadap keausan, menjadikannya pilihan bahan yang tahan lama untuk sepatu. Artinya, Anda dapat menikmati sepatu Anda lebih lama.

4. Mudah untuk dibersihkan: Kulit superfiber mudah dibersihkan dan dirawat, yang menghemat waktu dan tenaga Anda. Anda cukup menyekanya dengan kain lembab atau pembersih kulit agar tetap terlihat baru.

5. Bernapas: Kulit superfiber juga dapat menyerap keringat, yang berarti kaki Anda tidak akan terasa sesak bahkan setelah dipakai berjam-jam. Ini membantu mencegah bau dan membuat kaki Anda terasa segar.

6. Bergaya: Kulit superfiber dapat didesain dan ditata untuk memenuhi berbagai selera mode. Artinya, Anda bisa menemukan sepasang sepatu superfiber yang tampak bagus namun tetap menikmati manfaat bahannya.


Banyak detail

keuntungan kita:

1. Kita bisa sesuai dengan kebutuhan sampel pemeriksaan tamu.
2. Kami memiliki kontrol kualitas, periksa kualitas sebelum pengiriman.
3. Masalah apa pun dalam perdagangan, kami secara aktif mencoba berkomunikasi dengan tamu.
4. Situasi win-win adalah tujuan kami.


Company profile:

Perusahaan kami didirikan lebih dari sepuluh tahun, perusahaan kami telah mengekspor produk ke lebih dari 40 negara, jadi, kami yakin dapat memberikan produk dan layanan yang memuaskan kepada klien kami. WINIW menikmati reputasi yang baik di industri kulit mikrofiber dan mengabdikan dirinya dalam peningkatan teknologi serta desain gaya baru untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan klien.




We offer worldwide shipping for our Shoes Synthetic Leather products. Our shipping rates are competitive and vary based on the destination and weight of the package.

Untuk pesanan dalam negeri, we use reliable courier services to ensure timely delivery. Untuk pesanan internasional, we work with reputable shipping companies to ensure efficient and secure transportation of our products. Namun, please note that any customs or import duties, taxes, or fees incurred during shipping are the responsibility of the customer.

Setelah pesanan Anda dikirimkan, we will provide you with a tracking number so you can easily monitor the progress of your delivery.

In the unlikely event that your package arrives damaged, please contact us immediately and we will work with you to resolve the issue.

Thank you for choosing our Shoes Synthetic Leather products. We strive to provide the best quality products and services to our customers.


People also ask

Is microfiber leather shoes upper scratch proof?

Microfiber leather is a popular choice for shoe manufacturers due to its durability and affordability. Many people wonder if the material is scratch-proof, and the answer is that it depends on the type of microfiber leather used.

Secara umum, microfiber leather is designed to be resistant to scratches and scuffs. The material is made up of tiny fibers that are tightly woven together, creating a dense and resilient surface. This means that microfiber leather shoes can withstand daily wear and tear without showing signs of damage.

Namun, it is important to note that not all microfiber leather is created equal. There are different types of microfiber leather on the market, some of which are more scratch-resistant than others. When shopping for microfiber leather shoes, it is a good idea to look for high-quality materials that are specifically designed for durability.

Keseluruhan, microfiber leather shoes are a great choice for anyone looking for a stylish and durable footwear option. While the material may not be 100% scratch-proof, it is resistant enough to handle most daily activities without showing signs of wear and tear. So go ahead and enjoy your microfiber leather shoes with confidence, knowing that they will provide you with long-lasting comfort and style.



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