Wear-Resistant Micro Synthetic Leather Vegan Leather Materials For Shoes Upper

Wear-Resistant Micro Synthetic Leather Vegan Leather Materials For Shoes Upper

01. まず最初に, wear-resistant micro synthetic leather is incredibly durable.

02. さらに, vegan leather is a more sustainable option than traditional leather.

03. In terms of aesthetics, vegan leather can match the look and feel of traditional leather, making it a versatile material for a wide range of shoe styles.

  • 説明
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Wear-resistant micro synthetic leather, ヴィーガンレザーとも呼ばれる, has become a popular material for shoes upper. As more and more people prioritize sustainability and ethical practices, the demand for vegan leather has risen. 幸いなことに, this type of material has a lot to offer.

全体, wear-resistant micro synthetic leather is an excellent choice for shoes upper due to its durability, 持続可能性, そして多用途性. As the demand for ethical and sustainable fashion continues to grow, vegan leather is poised to become an increasingly popular choice for both designers and consumers alike.


材料: 100% 合成, 動物に優しい非皮革素材.

厚さ: 1.4んん, 1.2んん.

幅: 54」, 137CM.

色: ブラック, 白い, 褐色, カスタマイズされた色.

最小注文数量: 500 リニアメーター.

リードタイム: 15-20 日々.

生産能力: 1,000,000 毎月メートル.



01. まず最初に, wear-resistant micro synthetic leather is incredibly durable, making it an excellent choice for shoes that will see a lot of wear and tear. 従来の革とは異なり、, which is prone to scuffing and scratching, vegan leather can withstand a lot of abuse without showing any signs of wear.

02. さらに, vegan leather is a more sustainable option than traditional leather. It is made without using animal products or byproducts, which is an ethical choice for many individuals. さらに, the manufacturing process of vegan leather has less of an impact on the environment than traditional leather.

03. In terms of aesthetics, vegan leather can match the look and feel of traditional leather, making it a versatile material for a wide range of shoe styles. It can also come in a variety of colors and patterns, giving designers a lot of room for creativity.


Winiw is a leading supplier of high-quality shoes leather that is designed to meet the needs of customers who demand the best in terms of performance, 耐久性, そして快適さ. With a focus on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, Winiw is dedicated to delivering the best possible products and services to its clients around the world.




Our leather is carefully packaged to ensure that it reaches our customers in perfect condition. 合成皮革の各ロールは保護プラスチックで包まれ、頑丈な段ボール箱に入れられます。. 輸送中の損傷を防ぐため、箱は梱包テープで密封されています.


当社の革は世界中に配送可能です. 配送料は注文の重量と配送先に基づいて計算されます. 当社は信頼できる宅配サービスと連携し、ご注文をタイムリーかつ安全に配達できるよう努めます。. ご注文の商品が発送されたら, 配達の進行状況を監視するための追跡番号を受け取ります.

国内注文の場合, 許可してください 3-5 配達までの営業日数. 海外からのご注文の場合, 配達時間は目的地の国によって異なる場合があります. 関税や輸入関税はお客様の負担となりますのでご了承ください。.


Q: 納期はどうなりますか?

あ: 実は, 3-5 サンプルの営業日, 15-25 入金確認後、製作にかかる日数. また注文数量に基づいて.

Q: あなたの利点は何ですか?

あ: (1) 競争価格

(2) 工場出荷

(3) 納期厳守

(4) 貿易保証協定 & 24H/7D アフターサービス.

Q: 素材は本革ですか、それとも合成皮革ですか?

あ: 弊社のWINIWマイクロファイバーエコレザーは 100% 合成, 動物性原料不使用.
