Distinguir couro sintético de couro real

Leia o rótulo. Embora possa parecer óbvio, ler a etiqueta de um item é uma maneira segura de identificar o tipo de couro. Produtos feitos de couro genuíno terão orgulho disso na etiqueta. Se o rótulo diz, “vinil” ou “man made materials,” the item is faux.

Inspect the edge. Examine the edges of the furniture or garment. Look at any place where the material has been sewn. Fake leather products will have a smooth, pristine edge that can feel almost plastic. Genuine leather will have a rougher, imperfect look around the edges.

Examine pores. Take a close look at the pores (or small dots) of the fabric. You may have to look closely to see them. Faux leather will have pores in a perfect, consistent pattern. Real leather will have irregular, sporadically placed pores.

Trust your touch. Genuine leather can feel coarse, smooth, or somewhere in-between. Real leather is also flexible and soft. If the product in question feels very smooth or feels like plastic, it is probably faux leather. Synthetic leather can also be a bit stretchy.

Familiarize yourself with leather textures by visiting a reputable leather store and getting a feel for both products.

Smell the item. Real leather has a very distinct smell. It really cannot by replicated by faux materials.Real leather smells earthy. Faux leather may have no odor, or smell a bit like plastic.




Couro de microfibra WINIW (couro de microfibra, microfibra) is the highest quality grade artificial leather PU leather faux leather, a high-tech simulation of high-end synthetic leather. O couro de microfibra WINIW é uma simulação da estrutura do couro natural, usando microfibra superfina da ilha do mar (feixe de fibra ultrafina), e resinas de poliuretano de alto grau como matérias-primas, usando a tecnologia de não tecido perfurado de needel de estrutura 3D, tem muitos caracteres semelhantes ao couro natural, porém melhor físico & desempenho químico, durabilidade superior, tem sido amplamente popular em todo o mundo. Por causa do desempenho superior, O couro de microfibra WINIW tem sido a alternativa ideal de couro real, and best leather substitute material, pode substituir o couro natural perfeitamente!